Herbal Practices that Aid Detoxification: Herbal Detox Bath: one of the simplest, most relaxing, and inexpensive ways to boost wellness, strengthen the immune system, sweat out toxins, and regulate the body’s processes.
A simple detox bath recipe using organic ingredients:
• 2 cups Epsom Salts
• 1 cup Baking Soda
• 1 tablespoon Bentonite Clay
• 20 drops Essential Oil(s) of choice
NOTE: essential oils that work exceptionally well for detox include bergamot, chamomile, cinnamon, eucalyptus, ginger, lavender, lemon, wild orange, peppermint, rose, rosemary, and tea tree.
• Make sure you are hydrated before getting into the detox bath.
• Mix the salts, soda, & clay together.
• Add essential oil(s).
• Pour into bath water as hot as possible.
• Sink into the bath and soak at least 20 minutes.
• Dry off gently.
• Hydrate with water and let the body recover.
Herbal Foot Soak: taking care of the feet is a crucial part of the self-care routine, and an herbal detox foot soak can be enjoyed while sipping herbal tea and reading a good book.
NOTE: herbs that are best for a detox foot soak include calendula flowers, chamomile flowers, red clover blossoms, comfrey leaf, holy basil, lavender buds lemon balm, oat tops, peppermint leaf, rose petals, rosemary, & Epsom salts.
Detox Foot Soak Recipe: Ingredients:
• 1 cup calendula flowers
• 1 cup lavender buds
• 2 cups comfrey leaf
• 2-tablespoons Epsom salts
• Combine herbs together in large bowl and stir until thoroughly mixed.
• Fill large drawstring muslin bag with herbs and tie closed.
• Place bag in foot soak basin and pour 1 gallon of hot water over it.
• Add the Epsom salts.
• Once the water is at a comfortable temperature, place feet in the basin.
• Sit back and enjoy!
NOTE: after the foot soak, exfoliate and moisturize the feet, taking care not to leave lotion between the toes.
Herbal Massage Oil: the body eliminates waste every day through the skin, and herbal oils can be a potent aid to use in this detoxification process. The body continuously eliminates toxins through the digestive, urinary, skin, circulatory, respiratory, and lymphatic systems. The body eliminates up to 1 pound of waste products every day through the skin, and it makes good sense to keep the skin open and able to release waste products efficiently.
Essential oils can also be a powerful tool to aid the detoxification process:
· Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens): is diuretic, tones the blood and lymphatic vessels, and decongests the lymph.
· Lemon (Citrus limonum): stimulates white blood cells to defend the body against infection, protects against viruses, and detoxifies the blood and liver.
· Grapefruit (Citrus racemosa): is diuretic, antifungal, speeds up lymphatic circulation and the elimination of toxins, and detoxifies through the skin, urinary tract, liver, gall bladder, and lymphatic system.
· Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare): is diuretic, aids digestion and elimination, expels parasites, and detoxifies through the skin, kidneys, and digestive tract.
· Fir Balsam (Abies balsamia): is antiseptic, anti-cancer, and detoxifies through the adrenal glands.
· Frankincense (Boswellia careterii): gently regenerates tissues and the nervous system through its relaxing effects.
· Juniper Berry (Juniperus communis): is antiviral, diuretic, helps reduce cellulite by eliminating toxins from fatty tissues, expels uric acid, and detoxifies through the kidneys, skin, and urinary tract.
· Palmarosa (Cymbopogon martini): cleanses the digestive system at a cellular level, and detoxifies through the nervous and digestive systems.
· Patchouli (Pogostemon cablin): acts on the glands to detoxify skin and strengthen the immune system through its profound stress relieving properties.
· Peppermint (Mentha piperita): is powerful against infections and their toxic residues, and detoxifies through the respiratory and digestive systems. Never use it in a bath or directly on mucous membranes!
· Rose (Rosa damacena): is gentle and relaxing, balances hormones, and stimulates the immune system solely through its action against stress.
· Rose Geranium (Pelargonium graveolens): enhances circulation, balances hormones especially in menopause, fights yeast while protecting helpful bacteria, and detoxifies by toning the liver, pancreas, and spleen.
· Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis): increases circulation, detoxifies the respiratory system, and clears mucous.
· Ylang Ylang (Cananga odorata): is powerfully relaxing and detoxifies through the nervous and digestive systems.
NOTE: citrus essential oils are detoxifying, however; none should be worn on the skin in daylight because they may be sun sensitizing.
Detoxifying Massage Oil: the aroma of this oil is fresh and invigorating, and the essential oils used encourage healthy circulation and lymph detoxification, improve muscle tone, and combat water retention.
• 8 drops Cypress
• 8 drops Palmarosa
• 10 drops Pink Grapefruit
• 10 drops Rosemary
• 4-ounces Sweet Almond Oil
• Add the essential oils to the sweet almond oil directly into the bottle.
• Secure the lid and shake well.
• Massage into the skin in circular motions, moving away from the heart.
• Allow the oil to sit on the skin for 15-20 minutes.
• Wash in the bathtub or shower.
